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更新時(shí)間:2024-03-30   點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):486次


為了研究卵巢巨噬細(xì)胞群體在排卵中的作用,我們研究了使用脂質(zhì)體封裝的氯膦酸鹽消耗該群體的影響。在排卵前 84 小時(shí)(第 -3 天)或 36 小時(shí)(第 -1 天)在促性腺激素引發(fā)的成年小鼠的卵巢滑囊下注射氯膦酸脂質(zhì)體、鹽水脂質(zhì)體或單獨(dú)生理鹽水。排卵率是通過(guò)計(jì)算釋放的卵母細(xì)胞數(shù)量來(lái)確定的。排卵前后也立即計(jì)算了graafian卵泡和黃體的數(shù)量。使用針對(duì)巨噬細(xì)胞抗原 macrosialin、主要組織相容性復(fù)合物 II 類 (Ia) 和 F4/80 的特異性單克隆抗體進(jìn)行免疫組化檢查排卵前卵巢的 theca 和基質(zhì)內(nèi)的巨噬細(xì)胞分布。在第 -1 天注射氯膦酸脂質(zhì)體不影響排卵率,而在第 -3 天注射氯膦酸脂質(zhì)體導(dǎo)致排卵率顯著降低(平均排卵卵母細(xì)胞分別為 5. 25 +/- 0.6 來(lái)自氯膦酸脂質(zhì)體處理的卵巢和 9.13 +/- 0.9 來(lái)自鹽水處理的卵巢,P < 0.05)。排卵時(shí) theca 中存在的巨唾液酸陽(yáng)性巨噬細(xì)胞的數(shù)量通過(guò)第 -1 天的氯膦酸脂質(zhì)體處理減少,第 -3 天的治療減少了 theca 中存在的 Ia 陽(yáng)性和巨唾液素陽(yáng)性巨噬細(xì)胞的數(shù)量。當(dāng)通過(guò)陰道涂片檢查隨后的卵巢周期時(shí),發(fā)現(xiàn)氯膦酸脂質(zhì)體處理的動(dòng)物的中胚層-2/二元期延長(zhǎng)(7.5 +/- 1.3天,鹽水脂質(zhì)體處理動(dòng)物為3.4 +/- 0.4天,P < 0.05)。這些結(jié)果表明,鞘狀巨噬細(xì)胞可能參與卵泡生長(zhǎng)和破裂的調(diào)節(jié),并且對(duì)發(fā)情周期的正常進(jìn)展很重要。


To investigate the role of the ovarian macrophage population in ovulation, we examined the effect of depleting this population using liposome-encapsulated clodronate. Clodronate liposomes, saline liposomes, or saline alone was injected under the ovarian bursa in gonadotropin-primed adult mice, either 84 h (Day -3) or 36 h (Day -1) before ovulation. Ovulation rates were determined by counting the number of oocytes released. The numbers of graafian follicles and corpora lutea were also counted immediately before and after ovulation. Macrophage distribution within the theca and stroma of preovulatory ovaries was examined by immunohistochemistry with specific monoclonal antibodies to the macrophage antigens macrosialin, major histocompatability complex class II (Ia), and F4/80. Injection of clodronate liposomes on Day -1 did not affect ovulation rates, whereas administration on Day -3 caused a significant reduction in ovulation rate (mean oocytes ovulated = 5. 25 +/- 0.6 from clodronate liposome-treated ovaries and 9.13 +/- 0.9 from saline-treated ovaries, respectively, P < 0.05). The numbers of macrosialin-positive macrophages present in the theca at ovulation were reduced by treatment with clodronate liposomes on Day -1, and treatment on Day -3 reduced the numbers of Ia-positive and macrosialin-positive macrophages present in the theca. When the subsequent ovarian cycles were examined by vaginal smearing, the metestrous-2/diestrous stage was found to be extended in clodronate liposome-treated animals (7.5 +/- 1.3 days vs. 3.4 +/- 0.4 days for saline liposome-treated animals, P < 0.05). These results suggest that thecal macrophages may be involved in the regulation of follicular growth and rupture, as well as being important for the normal progression of the estrous cycle.










ntrabursal injection of clodronate liposomes causes macrophage depletion and inhibits ovulation in the mouse ovary。





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