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更新時間:2024-05-27   點擊次數:684次


This antibody preparation contains a mixture of purified rat monoclonal antibodiesdirected against mouse GPIbα(CD42b). Targeting of this receptor with divalent IgGs results in profound and irreversible Fc-independent platelet depletion in mice. Platelet depletion is frequently used to study the general role of platelets in (patho-) physiology.


CD42b is a platelet activation marker involved in the process of coagulation as an aggregating factor. It interacts with extracellular matrix as well as with adhesion molecules. CD42b expression and activation seems to be regulated by VEGF and PDGF. CD42b composes together with GPIb beta, GPIX and GPV the GPIb-IX-V receptor complex critical in the process of platelet-rich thrombus formation by tethering the platelet to a thrombogenic surface. CD42b binds to von Willebrand factor (VWF) exposed at a site of vascular injury, as well as to thrombin, coagulation factors XI and XII, high molecular wight kininogen, TSP-1, integrin Mac-1 and P-selectin. The extracellular domain of CD42b by its interactions also contributes to metastasis. Further, CD42b antigen is expressed on platelets and on megakaryocytes in bone marrow. Several polymorphisms and mutations have been described in the CD42b, some of which are the cause of Bernard-Soulier syndromes and platelet-type von Willebrand disease.


CD42b 是一種血小板活化標志物,作為聚集因子參與凝血過程。它與細胞外基質以及粘附分子相互作用。CD42b 的表達和激活似乎受 VEGF 和 PDGF 的調控。CD42b 與 GPIb β、GPIX 和 GPV 一起組成 GPIb-IX-V 受體復合物,通過將血小板拴在血栓形成表面,在富血小板血栓形成過程中至關重要。CD42b 與暴露在血管損傷部位的血管性血友病因子 (VWF) 以及凝血酶、凝血因子 XI 和 XII、高分子激肽原、TSP-1、整合素 Mac-1 和 P-選擇素結合。CD42b 的細胞外結構域通過其相互作用也有助于轉移。此外,CD42b抗原在血小板和骨髓中的巨核細胞上表達。CD42b 中描述了幾種多態性和突變,其中一些是 Bernard-Soulier 綜合征和血小板型血管性血友病的原因。

R300抗體Antibodies for Platelet Depletion in Mice 實物圖片:



蛋白別名: Antigen CD42b-alpha; CD42b; glycoprotein Ib (platelet), alpha polypeptide; GP-Ib alpha; GPIB; GPIb alpha; GPIX; MGC34595; 

mutant platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib-alpha; Platelet glycoprotein Ib alpha chain; Platelet GPIX; platelet membrane 

glycoprotein 1b-alpha subunit; platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib-alpha

基因別名: BDPLT1; BDPLT3; BSS; CD42B; CD42b-alpha; DBPLT3; GP1B; GP1BA; GPIbA; GPIbalpha; VWDP




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